Another PA Secretary of Education prematurely departs
“…and an important part of the imagined success lies with dependable PA Department of Education Secretary appointment.”
Who likes tax credits?
“We should be proactive and set that student up for success at every level – which is not currently happening in many schools.”
How do the EITC/OSTC programs help?
(and can it help your child?)
“How does a family access these programs for their child? The process is very simple!”
Do you know your rights?
“Families navigate so much every single day…When you have a child who has special needs, that life becomes even more complicated…”
We think it’s the truth
(until we find out it’s not)
“School choice serves those students who need ‘different,’ or whose parents have chosen an alternate option for their own family-based reasons.”
Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, or Hulk?
“We’re not waiting for Pennsylvania to ‘fix’ the education system. Too many children have been left behind for too long.”
Perspective is critical
“Parent outcry in the cyber charter community has been in direct response to attacks…”
No “If onlys” in education
“‘If only’ the educational system adequately served every child. ‘If only’ we had true education freedom. We can make those ‘if onlys’ disappear.”
YOUR stories change lives
“We have come to realize through our advocacy journey that we parents know a lot – but there can be huge gaps where K-12 education is concerned.”
What do they have in common?
“…my child’s face literally [lit] up at all of the opportunity that this upcoming school year would bring…”
Parents fighting for their child with special needs
“…families are drowning in medical bills, bureaucracy, daily living, and laws they don’t have time to understand…”
Embrace and Celebrate the Good
“Sometimes, we get so caught up in the daily toll (and trolls), that we forget to embrace and celebrate the good…”
Senator Anthony Williams – Truth and courage on behalf of children
“If you…have one takeaway from this newsletter, let it be Senator Anthony Hardy Williams’ words…”
You could be an edupreneur and not know it!
“Parents find solutions. Some parents create solutions.”
“To Define is to Regulate”
“He cautioned against fitting these edupreneurial pursuits into a nice, neat little ‘box.'”
What is open enrollment? Is my child eligible?
“Open enrollment in K-12 education allows students to move to a district school not automatically assigned to them…”
School choice can be a solution in Special Education
“Let’s not leave a child to “if only” and regrets, but rather work to fix this issue – now.”
Some people have the wrong idea about school choice
“…school choice focuses on the child, putting the power to choose in parents’ hands.”
“Do No Harm”
“…the next time you hear someone talking about policy, programming, budget, etc. that affects children in education, set everything else aside, and ask yourself this basic question: ‘Does this do harm to a child?'”
“Our children” starts with the PARENTS
“…the term ‘our children’, if used by those other than parents, should include an obvious nod to parent agency. If not, backlash will be swift.”
Hosanna House: “This is our house”
“We would love to see these wonderful community organizations duplicated across our Commonwealth!”
Our reaction to Governor Shapiro’s budget address
“For families, this goes far beyond disappointment. It’s terrifying, and jeopardizes their child’s entire future.”
NSCW celebrations will not end in January
“We need to find practical, holistic ways to bring about positive change for students where needed.”
Silos belong in agriculture, not education
“No division, only celebration. No silos, only solutions.”
Our word for the year: Fearless
“You can be that person…to help change the lives of children across Pennsylvania. Don’t let fear stop you! “
What is School Choice?
“When discussing school choice, or education choice, and forming your opinion about a movement, organization, or idea, I encourage you to always ask yourself: Does this benefit the adults, or the children?”
Kids’ lives and futures are at stake
“…let’s open up the education pathways for alternate education methods…to better and more immediately serve children.”
Demand your seat at the table
“This discussion goes beyond one education model versus the other…it is about the family, and their knowledge and insight about that child.”
Every single action matters
“Whatever effort you can put forth, we appreciate it! Every single action matters and makes a huge difference!“
Increased Need in Special Education Resources
“Through this journey, we have been able to locate services and build our website with our findings.”
Times are changing. Education must be transformed.
“Times are changing, and education must be transformed to suit.”
The Future of Education is Unbundled
“In today’s day and time with all that technology has to offer, there’s no reason to think of education in any other way.”
YOU are needed to share your story, your insight and your skills
“Don’t be afraid to tell your story, to speak your mind, to make education better – because your ripple effect is profound.”
You Are Welcomed at the Capitol
“Take your love and passion for your families and communities and make things better by advocating for what you believe in.”
He Came From “The Bottom”: The Power of Education
“This is why Lifeline Scholarships are so very critical to PA students. They are an immediate solution. Immediate relief for those students. “
Who will stand in the way of progress for students?
“These programs provide children with education, resources, and refuge. They help families provide their children with a better chance in life.”
Every Parent is an Advocate
“We parents are born advocates – we constantly seek improvement of our children’s lives…We can do this. We must do this.”
Some districts put kids first – others penalize them. This needs to change.
“Our kids have lost so much already. Let’s make life a little easier on them and stop playing these games with their academic and social lives.”
Take it from Cindy: “we have people inside those walls who will listen to us”
“We didn’t know what to expect today inside the Capitol…but when we left it felt good to know we have people inside those walls who will listen to us…”
Fear makes you question your instinct (and they know it)
“Don’t let fear quiet your instinct – your “gut” is the most honest voice you have.”
There’s always a flip side
“Anyone seeking to control, delineate, complicate, or limit educational freedom isn’t doing it for student benefit.
“It’s simple. Focus on the children.”
“You know it’s a good deal when no one walks away happy.”
“Those for and against education choice policies are walking away ‘not happy’ with his proposal – but that’s how you know he struck a balance.”
Teamwork is possible
“I’m elated to have been a facilitator in the networking and conversations I witnessed…all focused…on the children and families in our area, their needs, and how they can be helped by our attending providers.”
“Sold a Story” and the literacy crisis
“Not only is it an important lesson in literacy, but also in the power of parents to positively and effectively turn the tide of education for our children and students.”
A Quick Note
“Parents should be able to make informed decisions about their education choices, and that detailed information should be readily and easily available.”
True school choice in Pennsylvania
“Choice is defined as ‘an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.'”
‘That’s how it’s always been’ is a poor excuse
“Children’s educational lives are short, and we have no time to argue and waste.”
Cliques, Movements, Politics & Education Choice
“We must all unite for the betterment of our children and their education. “
We aren’t anti-district
“…PaFEC continues to focus on placing the children in the center, not the system.”
Founder’s Welcome
“Come and join us in our mission to improve the lives of ALL 1.8 million children in Pennsylvania!”