Family Stories
Our Own Story

My Child Was Saved
“has inspired a love of learning for a very young child who was paralyzed by the prospect of any teacher interaction and dreaded the thought of stepping foot on school grounds…the ability to make an education choice is crucial for families, and children can be saved by the parents selecting the educational program they feel is right for their child.”
Warrior Mom Fights District and Wins

“There are so many lessons (and need to improve list items) to take from this family’s story. But I think the most important one is Shannon never gave up. No one knows their own child better than a parent, and as such no one fought harder for Brianna than her own mother. She never gave up through anger, tears, and denials. Shannon kept pushing, (yes, at times) yelling, fighting, and demanding for what she knew was right for her daughter. Don’t give up fighting for your children when you know what’s right.”
Gun Violence Threat Met With a Slap on the Wrist
“Not only was a threat made, but the boy was apparently watching the friends during that day while they were out on the porch. The boy said that he could see them, and they should ‘get back into the house’ and stop talking. So, when Katie found out about these events, she called 911.”

It Takes a Cyber Charter School to Raise a Child

“The cyber school felt so warm and safe for our wounded minds and hearts after months of bullying by the school district…despite all the rumors about cyber school’s lacking academics quality, I found out that even the academics are more advanced in cyber school compared to the ‘award winning school district’ where my daughter went. My daughter is now thriving socially, emotionally and academically in the cyber school.”
Homeless Teen Benefits from Cyber Charter
“He will now graduate on time. If it wasn’t for the choice to move him to online charter school he would have dropped out this past summer and not even made it to 11th grade.”

What Cyber Means To Me
“If this budget is enacted, all I will think of is: fear, inaccessibility, and disappointment. I will remember that our legislators abandoned my community and sacrificed us to political theater. Take the opportunity to speak directly to students. It is our education on the line.”

Meet John – Cyber Charter Student and Competitive Rower

“The teachers were well versed in cyber education and utilized it in creative and innovative ways that allowed for individual and group achievements. The work was rigorous and challenging, while being meaningful and participatory. For the first time in his education, no additional GIEP accommodations were necessary as the classes and instruction met his needs.”
Cyber Charter School Students Shouldn’t Be Denied Access to Extracurriculars
“Being a part of a community fosters confidence and a sense of belonging, facilitates children’s ability to relate to others, and helps them develop into productive community members and citizens. Children shouldn’t be denied these constructive and necessary experiences. “

A homeschool injustice in Allegheny County

“Jenny’s situation has not gotten any better. She has exhausted all help in her Pittsburgh and Allegheny County areas. She and her son are now estranged, and she is seeking legal help for parental alienation – all because she tried to save her child from harm. This never should have happened. We must do better for our children and families.”
A Parent Tells Her Story of Gratitude
“As I reflect on the end of their lives, my heart swells with gratitude for the time that we had together. Because my daughter and I were not tied down to a brick-and-mortar school, we were able to visit much more often than before. [The grandparents] were able to watch and learn about how online learning works and supplement her learning by sharing their own experiences. My family is grateful for those moments…”

Parents Who Don’t Take “No” For an Answer

“Keemah believes that parents need and deserve to be better educated about their options, and points to education choice policies and associated funding as a part of the solution. Parents are rising up and demanding better for their children – parents like Keemah who will not take “no” for an answer and refuse to allow their children to be political pawns. All should take notice.”
Home School House Answers the Call

“Teaching public school for 17 years changed my perspective on teaching and learning…Now, I work directly with families, helping them to take their child’s education in whatever direction they choose.”
Parents Creating Immense Change in Their Own Communities

Parents and education professionals are creating immense and positive change in their own communities. They’re reducing bureaucracy, returning focus to the children, respecting parent authority, and taking back education on their terms. We’re here for it!

Change Needed in Education – A Teacher’s View
“As an education professional, I asked Gina a series of questions. One question asked her to name three student-centered improvements she would like to see in education. She said that a return to basics (pre-Common Core), less dependence on technology, and the current, new reading programs with more sight words and “old fashioned” phonics are a good start.”
Children Continue to Slip Through the Cracks

“Ensuring teachers are trained in the science of reading, requiring screeners and progress monitoring, intervening when necessary, and providing high-quality instructional materials for all are part of a comprehensive approach to make sure all students become strong readers.”
Mom of Three Fights for PASS Program

“Najimah feels that the PASS program, which offers scholarships to students residing in low-performing schools ‘is the way to begin to fix’ issues within our education system, including violence-inducing overcrowding, poor test scores and literacy, and inadequate transportation…If you care about the future of our children, you support the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success program.”
Education Choice Tears Down Barriers

The Malliard family story of overcoming bullying, accommodating their children’s special needs, and searching for safety and flexibility.
“We must continue to work on breaking down the barriers by creating and offering quality, individualized programming for our children. Giving our children the best possible chance in life starts with truly unbounded education.”

Education Choice Spans Generations
“An individual child’s education – not just the knowledge acquired but their well-being and environment – is a precious gift and important stewardship. To be a good steward…means that we need to have a system which accommodates differences in a child’s needs, and everyone in the educational system…plays a part.”
The Evan’s Family Journey Into Homeschooling

“Finding resources and places to go can be daunting for families; especially if your child has special needs. Tiffany has had difficulties finding tutors, and speech and occupational therapy opportunities are expensive and limited in her area. It was surprising to hear that some pediatricians can be anti-homeschooling and, as in Tiffany’s case, may attempt to pressure parents with special student needs to seek traditional school environments.”
Hybrid Homeschool is the Solution for This Lehigh County Family
“Homeschooling doesn’t mean schooling at home all the time. It means going out and experiencing museums and listening to an interesting podcast or audiobook on the drive. It means creating fun games for kids to play while they are learning. It means learning fractions while baking a cake. As parents, we know our children and their needs better than anyone else.”

A Military Family Benefits from Education Choice

“Education choice has allowed my daughter many unique, personalized experiences that she wouldn’t have been allowed otherwise. Military life is challenging for many reasons; but for us, working together to do what is best for our family makes our commitment, respect and love for each other even STRONGER. The freedom to make decisions for our children’s benefit is essential and is a right that should not be denied.”
FAPE, Special Needs and Homeschooling

“It seems that anytime homeschool comes up, people ask about socialization. I have to say that is something we’ve had to be mindful of, but not something we’ve found challenging…When I step back to think about it, they have a booming social calendar full of meaningful interaction with a wide variety of people of all ages and backgrounds not in spite of homeschooling but because of it.”

Why Cyber Charters Must Exist – A Student Perspective
“I have learned more in two years of cyber school than in five at a public school…no longer am I bullied, bored, and dreading school…I obtained the 504 plan I needed. At my old school, they denied accommodations requested by my doctor.”
A Grandparent’s Story
“Seeing how far this child has come speaks so much more than I could ever say with words.”