Founder’s Welcome
May 10, 2022 | Sharon Sedlar

It’s hard to believe that almost a third of the new year is already over and there are only 8 weeks left in the current legislative season. This the time of year when activity on various fronts kicks into high gear: legislative bills, budget finalization, and primaries on the Harrisburg front; school year end finals, vacation plans, spring cleaning and summer project planning; or the family get togethers, picnics, BBQs, trips to the pool or zoo, graduation parties and weddings.
But through all of these crazy times, we continue to dedicate our efforts to improving the lives of our children at home and at “school” – whatever form that takes for your family. Each child is unique and special, with their own personality, strengths, needs – and, yes – weaknesses. And as different are the children, so too are the families.
But whatever your child and family needs, an education option should be available to you; whether district, private, charter, homeschool, pod, microschool, or anything in between. No family should have to send their child to school every day concerned for their child’s safety or well-being. And that is why PaFEC was formed; to advocate for ALL children, regardless of economic status, to have full access to a wealth of education options that suits them. The last two years have made a major impact on our education system as whole, and parents are even more aware of their families’ education needs. PaFEC is dedicated to protecting and promoting these education options for the benefit of ALL children in our Commonwealth. You are respected. You are wanted. You are needed. Come and join us in our mission to improve the lives of ALL 1.8 million children in Pennsylvania!