Our reaction to Governor Shapiro’s budget address

February 15, 2024 | Sharon Sedlar

You may have wondered where our newsletter was last week, especially right after Governor Shapiro’s budget address last Tuesday. The pause was intentional. We wanted to hear what others had to say, weigh the perspectives, and release our own position absent knee-jerk reaction (feel free to check out our Twitter feed for that content!).

Our reaction can be summed up in one word: disappointed.

Disappointed that:

  • some students are deemed more worthy than others
  • “every child of God” isn’t being considered
  • it continues the us vs. them narrative
  • organizations, memberships, and legislators are actually celebrating this cyber charter tuition reduction aimed at the cyber charterindustry but catching children in the crossfire
  • cyber charter families were not considered or included in any meaningful way
  • the ends for those protecting the dysfunctional system apparently justify the means

Our website details heartbreaking stories of children lost in the traditional system, finding opportunity or refuge in cyber charter. The plan being put forth by Governor Shapiro and the House of Representatives does nothing more than take from one child (receiving less funding to the tune of about 25%, and alienated from district education) and giving even more to another student already receiving the full complement of current education funding.

It is our opinion that, if this cyber charter flat rate proposal goes through, it will put students and families once again behind the 8-ball, harkening back to the days prior when they found themselves scrambling to find an appropriate education environment for their child.

For families, this goes far beyond disappointment.  It’s terrifying, and jeopardizes their child’s entire future.

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