Parent Information
Guides for Early Literacy
PEAL Center
The mission of the PEAL Center is to educate and empower families to ensure that children, youth and young adults with disabilities and special health care needs lead rich, active lives as full members of their schools and communities.

“All students can and do benefit from literacy instruction when the instruction is appropriate for their learning needs and when they are provided the supports they require to learn. Participants at this conference learned to differentiate the basic components of effective literacy instruction across the curriculum to meet the individual needs of students. Strategies for learners with the full range of disabilities, including those with extensive needs for support, were addressed through discussion, demonstration, and hands-on learning activities.”
Empowering Parents: Reading Rockets Parents’ Guide

“From the moment your child is born, there are simple things you can do to help him or her become a good reader. This guide helps parents build a child’s early reading skills at home, recognize signs of trouble, support the child as they enter school, understand options for extra support, and recognize when parents need to go outside the school for help.”

Reading Is Fundamental Literacy Central

Reading Is Fundamental’s award-winning digital library hosts over 10,000 resources directly tied to the books teachers, caregivers and community partners turn to everyday. Create a free account to organize all of your book resources in one place, create and share book lists, find helpful reading tips and strategies and track student reading progress.

Literacy Resources for Parents
LinkTree Resources

View resources from a variety of sources. Includes different types of media such as online libraries, websites, YouTube channels, literacy guides, apps, and much more!
Center for Early Literacy Learning: Practice Guides for use with Parents

“Parents may use these products to provide their infants, toddlers, or preschoolers with fun and exciting literacy learning experiences. Practitioners working with parents may also find these helpful.”