Another PA Secretary of Education prematurely departs
Sharon Sedlar | December 5, 2024
PA Secretary of Education Dr. Khalid Mumin has announced that he will be resigning effective this month. Before him were picks from the Governor Wolf administration; Pedro Rivera and Noe Ortega. Like many parents – especially those happy with K-12 education for their child/ren – I never really paid any mind. But I have come to find that our PDE must have a balanced and innovative guiding hand if it is going to provide the framework for true student success in Pennsylvania. This cannot be accomplished with the frequent turnover in this critical position (Wikipedia):
I would submit that only one long-term Ed Secretary per decade isn’t a predictor of success, but rather creates an unstable environment in which children are not best served. Some areas in need of address at the PA Department of Education:
- The Department of Education’s mission states: “ensure that every learner has access to a world-class education system that academically prepares children and adults to succeed as productive citizens.” According to the employment opportunities page, employees “provide direction and support for the early childhood and K through 12 programs in Pennsylvania’s public schools, career and technical, and private school systems.”
- In these past (almost) 4 years that we’ve been active in the education space, we have noticed much dysfunction within the PA Dept of Ed. Based on the mission statement and employment page, we would hope that the Dept would act in an advisory capacity to the Governor as reliable education experts invested in all of PA’s students – not just those in the public system. (Of important note is not that we would ask for governmental overreach, but rather a thoughtful approach to the betterment of education for all PA students; focus on support for every education model, and thereby student.)
- Families involved in special education services are in constant contact with our office – in need of guidance, support, and insight. We refer families to the PDE Office of Dispute Resolution, but it is most often met with silence and frequently is a “dead end.”
- Families frequently feel that they are on their own when it comes to navigating their child’s rights in education. If our PDE is truly invested in providing for “every learner,” the voices of parents must be an important part of the conversation. To this point, Governor Shapiro promised to appoint to parents to the State Board of Education; however, both parents appointed are also professionals in the education field. While their experience as parents and educators is valuable – is their appointment true parent representation?
The status quo of education in Pennsylvania is not leading to success for many children. Overall literacy rates are unacceptable (even abysmal). Entire districts have students focused on surviving, rather than thriving. Fundamental change is necessary – and an important part of the imagined success lies with dependable PA Department of Education Secretary appointment.
Pennsylvania’s education secretary steps down; interim named
By Ivey DeJesus
“The head of the Pennsylvania Department of Education announced on Friday that he would be stepping down next month…”