No “If onlys” in education
July 25, 2024 | Sharon Sedlar

Parenthood is frought with “if onlys.” “If only….I was better prepared…I brought that extra shirt…I was closer to the swingset…I didn’t forget the juiceboxes.” As our kids age, the “If onlys” get more critical and pertain to physical, emotional, and psychological needs.
There are many “if onlys” for parents when it comes to education. For me, “if only”…I had acted more quickly…I had listened to my maternal instinct…I moved my child sooner…I knew then what I know now…” Many parents reach out to us with their own “if onlys.”
But the system doesn’t have “if onlys.” It’s non-reactive and reflective, based on pre-prescribed procedures, laws, and codes. It is us who need to force change that we feel is required. That change comes from:
- using our voice
- sharing our experience
- talking to those who can initiate that change (like administrators or legislators)
- seeing the action for change through to the end, alongside implementation and funding
Everyone needs to be proactive, not reactive – to prevent harm to our children. It shouldn’t take failure before we seek out educational options. A child shouldn’t be waiting within the traditional public school system, and parents fighting for FAPE for years, before getting relief.
“If only” the educational system adequately served every child. “If only” we had true education freedom. We can make those “if onlys” disappear.