Family Center

Regional Parent Volunteers

Read about our regional parent volunteers and how they fought to improve their child’s education.

What’s their “why?” Who’s in your area? How can they help you?

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2024 Parent Power Index

By: The Center for Education Reform

We are truly honored to be included in this interactive index to learn about parent power and what you can do to help!

What Education Option is Right For You?

Guides and Ranking Tools

Family Stories

No More Lines Coalition

“No More Lines policies break the connection between housing costs, school quality, and school access. They level the playing field among students of all socioeconomic levels by providing all students with access to their ideal educational experience. It is time to provide every kid equal access to the public school that works best for him or her. It is time to end discriminatory attendance zones. It is time for No More Lines.”

Literacy Information

How Can I Help Improve Education?

Advocacy 101 Webinar

Who is My Legislator?


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